COVID-19 Help

COVID-19 Help

As educators, we are in uncharted territories with COVID-19. We were thrown into online learning and had to step out of our comfort zones. I have created several videos and written directions on how to things like set up a Zoom Meeting, Google Meet meeting, or using Kami with Google Classroom. Below are some directions to help teachers. Use them, share them, help others with them.

Zoom and Google Meet Directions

Zoom Directions

Zoom Directions-Schedule A New Meeting

Zoom Directions-Video

Google Meet Directions

Google Meet Directions-Video

Using Kami with Google Classroom

Kami will need to be installed on accounts. Please check with your technology department to push this out to students.

Kami has great directions on how to use Kami with Google Classroom

Teacher Set Up Video Directions

Student Side Directions

Google Classroom

Google Classroom